Hirose Ayana

Hirose Ayana (広瀬綾那)
- mmm yes very creative totally not Koichi’s sister’s name- (namesake)

Name: Ayana Hirose (広瀬 綾那)
Age: 21
Birthday: April 27th 1990
Pronouns: she/her
Height: 170cm (5’7”)
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: fourth-year uni student
Stand: Dreamer Deceiver
Languages: fluent in Japanese and English


Ayana is reserved and quiet, and she often looks like she didn’t get enough sleep. She's actually very sweet though, much like her sister.
- She likes cute, sparkly, and fluffy things (Big plushies, fluffy cats, Sanrio)
- She'll only wear makeup on occasion. When she does, it’s sparkly. She doesn’t like it much otherwise
- Dresses for both comfort and aesthetics, though she more often than not leans towards comfort
- Not the most expressive emotionally, mostly just with close friends/family
- She likes tattoos and has three of them. One circling her left thigh, a purple dragonfly on her upper back, and a small heart above her left elbow ♡
- High pain tolerance (hence the tattoos)


Ayana developed her stand shortly after Yasuho. She had heard from Yasuho about Gappy’s bizarre situation*, so she went to investigate the hole by the Morioh pine for herself. She noticed bite marks on her lower leg partially hidden underneath her sock shortly after she left the Wall Eyes to wander around town, seeing as she had only returned two weeks prior. Ayana noticed that she felt a minor headache at that point and decided to go home.
The rest of the day went as normal, and that night, she slept for much longer than usual. She woke up feeling fine and when she went to do her morning routine, she saw that her eyes had turned from green to amber. This is the point when she had gotten a stand, but I'll go more into detail about how she discovered it another time
When Ayana met Tooru for the first time (Yasuho introduced him to her), something about him felt off, but it wasn’t a very strong feeling so she dismissed it. She also didn’t want to hurt her sister’s feelings, seeing as they had just started dating. She very much approves of Josuke though
( ̄^ ̄)b
*"Hey, nee-chan. I found some dude in the dirt today.”


- Her outfits always include black, white, and various shades of purple
- Purple dragonfly motif
- Always looks a bit tired (darkish under-eyes)
- Faint scar on her left temple (1 inch). She scraped her forehead on a branch while climbing trees with Yasuho when they were kids
- Ears stick out a little bit
- Small moles all over her body, but no freckles
- Rounded inner brows
- Eyes an unnatural bright amber colour, originally green before she got her stand
- Thin athletic figure (still a bit curvy tho)
- Mid-light brown hair with pastel pink to purple fade (
bottom half). Short(ish) and messy on top, long and wavy from ~jaw down-bottom of shoulder blades
- Usually has in a white hair clip on the right
- A bit buff to make up for her physically weak stand ↴
“[She’s got] nice abs” -three people
“Absolutely ripped” -brother
“Amazing abs” -friend
“She’s got hella abs” -dad